Angel Wing
Angel Wing
Angel Wing
Cyrtopleura costata

The Angel Wing is one of the most graceful shells found on our beaches. To compensate for its delicate shell, it has the ability to burrow up to three feet deep in mud or to more shallow depths in soft rock, clay or even wood. It is able to dig these tunnels by using its foot to rock its tooth-like shaped shell anterior (short front side) to burrow and dig. It also uses jets from the mantle cavity to flush particles from the excavation.

The bivalve then spends the rest of its eight year life in its den. Long siphons protrude above the surface to circulate water and filter out food. It cannot retract the siphons fully, nor can its weak muscles completely close its shell.

The Angel Wing can grow up to seven inches long. They are normally white, however, some are pink-tinged due to exposure to red tide.

Live shells should never be taken from any Florida State Park.