Calico ClamCalico Clam
Marcocallista maculata

This bivalve has a shiny shell with very fine growth lines. The surface is cream colored with blurry brown rectangles and smudges. Albino specimens are occasionally found. The clam is in the Venus family, of which there are about 500 species. Other clams such as the Sunray Venus, Cross-barred Venus, Southern Quahog and Dosinia are also found on Honeymoon Island.

The Calico Clam’s habitat is in mud or sand around seagrass beds in waters from 6 to 60 feet. The clam has a strong foot that it can use to bury itself. From this protected position it uses siphons to pull in food. The clam’s embryos develop into free swimming larvae, then into a bivalve veliger, which looks like a miniature clam.

Live shells should never be taken from any Florida State Park.