Atlantic Moon Snail

Atlantic Moon Snail
Atlantic Moon Snail or Shark Eye Snail
Neverita duplicata

Moon snails have a foot large enough to cover its entire shell.  Normally most of the snail’s body is out of its shell and the shell is filled with water. If threatened it must squirt out this water to retreat inside and close its operculum (door).

These gastropods are carnivorous and can smell its prey’s body proteins. The victim often can detect the imminent slow motion attack and flee.  If caught, the moon snail envelops the clam with its foot. Then excretes an acidic solution to soften the victims shell. Then a toothed radula (tongue) bores a circular beveled hole. Enzymes are injected to weaken the victim's adductor muscles and allow the snail to have its dinner.

Shark eyes have whorls that form an “eye” while the Colorful Moon is cream color with brown zigzags.

Live shells should never be taken from any Florida State Park.